What is Good Faith and How Do You Demonstrate It?

The Disabled Workforce

What is Good Faith and How Do You Demonstrate It?

Compliance and Beyond: Building a Culture of Civility

@Work Magazine, January/February 2024

Rachel Shaw, Principal Consultant, Founder, Shaw HR Consulting

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities

so they can perform their jobs fully and safely. The ADA also mandates that employers engage in a timely, good faith interactive process with applicants or employees to achieve this goal.

A good faith effort is the will to do the work, gather data, determine whether a person has a covered disability, and, if so, seek reasonable accommodations, or find a “yes” to the accommodations request.

When absence and disability management professionals use this lens to try and find a yes to accommodation requests, they support a culture that goes beyond compliance and promotes acceptance and civility. It’s about shifting from a focus on compliance to one that creates a workplace where diversity (in all forms, including disability) is the goal, which is what the law intended.

Learn how to create this type of environment, by reframing your approach to the work and read the whole article here in the Member Portal.  Membership is free.

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