Supporting the Mental Health of Your Workforce

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Supporting the Mental Health of Your Workforce

By Rachel Shaw

from @Work Magazine; May 2022 Issue

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, one in five American adults experienced mental health problems in any given year and employees with depression missed the equivalent of 27 missed workdays annually. During the pandemic, about four in 10 adults in the U.S. indicated symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation; and 40% of Americans surveyed during the pandemic identified mental health issues, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Meanwhile, the number of people seeking help for anxiety and depression skyrocketed, according to Use of the organization’s anxiety screening increased by 93% from 2019 to 2020 and the number of people screened for depression increased by 62%.

As a result, employers across the country are experiencing increased accommodation requests along with performance and attendance issues related to stress and mental health. What can absence management professionals do?

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  • The Disability Interactive Process Hallway® and California Education Code – Sep. 21, 2022 – Half Day 9-12 p.m.
  • Leave Management – Battling Excessive Use and Misuse for a Better Workplace – Nov. 4, 2022 – Full Day 9-2 p.m. 

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