Managing the Health of Your HR Team

Cal/OSHA Updates Guidelines for Masks, Distancing and Barriers in the Workplace
June 18, 2021
COVID-19 and What It’s Doing to Disability Compliance
October 16, 2021
new article:

Managing the Health of Your HR Team

The Power of Recognition

By Rachel Shaw

@Work Magazine

Overtasked managing the realities of COVID-19 within your organization, your human resource (HR) team has waded through layoffs, medical risks, and ever-changing local, state and federal rules and regulations. Their ever-mounting stress has no real end in sight.

HR leaders simply have not had the time to remember that one of the most powerful retention tools, engagement drivers and all around feel-good potions is recognition. Experts agree, recognition doesn’t work when it’s just about paying people more.1 The power of recognition happens when employers provide more autonomy, reward with professional development opportunities, and publicly recognize individuals.

Read the whole article here in the Member Portal.  Membership is free.

The second training in our virtual training series

ADA Disability Compliance & Mental Health: 

Workplace Stressors and ADA Disability Compliance

Aug. 20th

10-3 p.m.

Accommodations related to mental health are on the rise.  Layer in COVID-19 and circumstances can get even more complicated.




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